This is the before and after of a chair I fixed up with help of my hubby for the ASID charity auction benefiting the Kenosha Literacy Council. Its based on the book Memoirs of a Geisha. :)
Im FINALLY getting back into the swing of things after a long winter. I get WAY more inspired to paint when its sunny out. Since I moved to a new apartment I wanted to do a new painting for my living room. I decided on cherry blossoms. Ive been obsessed with them for some reason lately. I guess because I like the oriental look...and I love the color red....and I just love to paint flowers as you can tell since 80% of my work is floral! Oh and the reason the picture is kind of tilted is because that was the only angle I didnt get a glare with. Haha!
So after four years in the healthcare field ive decided Im going to follow my passion of art and design and Im going to go to school for interior design this fall. I am so excited and to be honest a little nervous since I dont know how easily ill find work when Im done. But Ive thought about it and Ive come to the conclusion that life is short and you should do what you love. I feel like your at work more than at home so loving your job is so important in having overall happiness. So here's to the next chapter of my life and refusing to play it safe! :)
Wow its been a long time since I did a post! This was a xmas present I painted for my friend. It was my first painting that I used three canvases to make one piece.